About Us

Our Story

It all began with an idea around the dinner table with the four of us. Thinking about what we can do as a family to impact the community in which we live…..out of that conversation came The Greek Cafe, LLC. It is our desire to give back to the community by providing the top-of-the-line Greek gear to Divine 9 Organizations. It is our hope to be able to give to that single mother, to that first-generation college student, to that father who decided to go to college after forty years. So, with much prayer and sharing of ideas, our family decided to begin a Greek store which would initially be E-commerce, however, our long-term goal is to purchase property where we can employ our own in our very own community!

“All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.”

(Romans 8:28)


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    • Must have effective engagement with audience/following on social media platform

    • Must be willing to share/repost our marketing efforts and events on all social media platforms

    • Must commit to creating original and creative content 3x per month